Yin Yoga workshop in Tallinn

Saturday March 4, 10-13 at Nömme Pilates

During this Saturday morning you get your body to experience Yin Yoga, while gaining theoretical knowledge of this yoga form, under the direction of yoga teacher Elisabeth Kaufmann from Sweden.

While you’re sitting or lying in Yin Yoga poses, you get to know more about:

  • What Yin Yoga is and what it does for the benefit of body and mind
  • How you perform positions safely
  • The difference between yin and yang training
  • What happens physically an mentally when you do Yin Yoga

Course fee

45 Euro. This includes written instructions for a short Yin Yoga session that you can perform at home after participating in the workshop.


Register via email to info@yogaproductions.se. Enter your name, your email address and your phone number. If there is room, you will then receive a confirmation email. Registration is binding. The course fee is payable in cash on the day of the course.

Elisabeth Kaufmann is an EFYTA-certified teacher (European Federation of Yoga Teachers Associations) in the Sivananda Hatha Yoga tradition and trained with Magdalena Mecweld and Sarah Powers to be a Yin yoga teacher. She has been practicing yoga for thirty years, including the last eleven as a yoga teacher.


What is Yin Yoga?

Yin Yoga is a quiet and meditative form of yoga, where we sit or lie in different positions for a long time (3-5 minutes), with relaxed muscles.

With this way of performing positions we slowly and smoothly stretch, press and turn our connective tissue, so that we become smoother. At the same time we are strengthening our joints and help synovial fluid, lymph, blood and energy flow in the body.

By relaxing the muscles while we hold the body in the positions, we enter the depths of our body and activate the fascia. The fascia is like a glue that surrounds and even penetrates our muscles, organs and bones.

The Yin Yoga poses stimulate it to be stronger, fluid-filled and more flexible. In this way Yin Yoga postpones the age-related dehydration of the body.

At the same time we affect the energy flow in the body. When we through the Yin Yoga positions dissolve stagnation in the fascia, we make it easier for energy to move around in the body, making us feel more alive and healthy.

By regularly doing Yin Yoga we increase the body’s energy level. We also help to reduce tensions.

While we’re doing Yin Yoga positions we also practice mindfulness and acceptance. Thus we learn to manage pain and discomfort and accept our body as it is. We learn to distinguish between what we can change and what we cannot change.

These skills will increase our ability to remain calm and think clearly when we encounter obstacles, stress and problems of everyday life.